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a superior class of security

Our Rationale

Specialist responders providing reassurance and safety.

Our Wardens

Skilled and Experienced first response wardens.

Our Training

Specialist trained, well equipped mobile response wardens.

Our Rationale

Over recent years, business owners and rural communities have become concerned over the increasing levels of crime and anti-social behaviour within rural areas and commercial estates, and lengthening response times of emergency services and the destructive and sometimes catastrophic impact this has on businesses, communities and families.


Many businesses and rural communities have limited access to such services as the Ambulance service and proactive police patrols and very little appropriate measures to counter these issues. Those few businesses that do endeavour to introduce a form of physical security are utilising companies and staff who have neither the training, remit nor inclination to tackle problems on the ground head on.

Our Wardens

Prior to becoming a warden, all potential candidates must attend and pass our specialist response course.

All our wardens are required to prove that they:

  • Have a proven track record in security operations (civil, law enforcement or military).
  • Hold a level of accreditation that underpins a  minimum capability (SIA).
  • Are first responder medically qualified.

This recruitment and training process means all of our wardens have the essential skills and knowledge required to lawfully deal with day-to-day patrolling and response at a demanding level.

Why Choose Us

Castlelink Consultancy can deploy specially trained, well equipped, and vetted mobile Proactive Response Wardens who can. through careful selection and a higher level of training,  provide a response capability to deal with challenging problems in the first instance.

Our Training

Our aim at Castlelink Consultancy is to, through a higher level of fit for purpose training, field a different class of security and response staff who will be better equipped to provide the specialist safe and robust response to hard pressed vulnerable locations, and better able to inter-operate with emergency services.

Proactive Response Consultation